Thursday, 17 May 2012

Purple shadow

Lately I've been trying to experiment with more colour with my makeup. I have a couple of purple shadows so I thought I would try to think of 3 different looks using various shades of purple. I wanted to go with something subtle then something I can try for a night out!
Subtle day look 
Evening or night look
Night look

I am trying to have more makeup on my blog from now on. I am also thinking about changing my url. I'm just worried about all the hassle let me know if you've changed yours before! I also set up a facebook makeup page I would love to get to 100 likes before my birthday next Wednesday (I'm going to be 21 SCARY!) 
I've been really busy over the last two weeks with the end of college. I'm so glad second year is over only two more years until I'm finished. Most of my friends have finished college this year. I'm so jealous because I wish I was finished and out getting experience! I've been looking for jobs for the summer but there's not been much luck so far especially seeing as I've moved back to Wexford. I'm going to try freelance anyway! Wish me luck haha! 


  1. This looks gorgeous! I wish I could pull of purple eyeshadow like you! xo

  2. You should try it! It might suit you x

  3. wow! these are amazing! I wish it looked like that when I try it. I'm crap at makeup, but I guess it doesn't matter since my skin is so ultra sensitive it's not a great idea for me to use it anyhow lest my eyes swell.

  4. I think the warm more plummy purples really make it look good. I have a more blue-indigo-purple and it doesn't look any good.

  5. I love all these looks but especially the bottom one perfect for a night out :) x
