Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Acid Wash & Blog Sale

Hi, my holidays are over and I definitely realised that on Sunday night when I was up till 4am trying to finish an essay that was due in the next day! I have another essay due on Thursday :( I'm in art college can't handle all these essays haha! We're filming a trailer for our final assessment next week too. As well as doing makeup I have to act too..AH! Only have a month left of college thank god! I sorted out CVs the other day so I'm praying I will have something to do this summer! 
I have seen everyone's acid wash nails lately and wanted to try them out myself. They are so easy! These ones are just plain but I tried out some with colours on the first layer and they were really cool! I probably should of revealed more of the first layer but I'll try next time! 

I'm having a blog sale! I don't have the patience for ebay so I'm going to try this first. If you want any item email me at chantellemthomas@hotmail.com xx

H&M crop jumper €5 (+p&p) Wore less than 5 times.
Size 10

Savida tunic €10 (+p&p) Never worn 
Size 10
 New look peter pan collar top.Wore less than 5 times. €5 (+p&p)
Size 10
 Topshop dress. €10(+p&p)
Size 10
 H&M dress. €10 (+p&p)
Size 10
Fred Perry T-shirt. €15(+p&p)
River Island Loafers. Never Worn. €30(+p&p)
Size 5

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