Sunday, 25 March 2012

NOTD & Effie Trinket

I went to see The Hunger Games last night. I had never read the books and didn't really have much idea of the story only what my boyfriend had told me but I really enjoyed the film. I thought the story line was really interesting. Sometimes I thought the camera went a bit weird/fast when there were fight scenes. I'm not sure if that was on purpose or not but it kind of hurt my eyes. Of course I couldn't stop  staring at the hair, makeup and nails. I know Ve Neill was the makeup designer and she didn't disappoint. I loved the looks of all the people in the Capitol. The one that caught my eye was Elizabeth Banks character Effie Trinket. Her whole appearance changed in nearly every scene she was in. Her nails caught my attention first so I decided to recreate it. They are really easy to recreate.

I used Barry M nail polish in 303 Bright Purple (2 coats) then I sponged on Barry M 302 foil effect in gold and added a top coat! 

I loved the other nails too but I don't have any of the gems to recreate it :( Isn't her hair and makeup amazing! Definitely go see it if you have the chance. I really want to read the books now but I don't know whether to start from the beginning or just read the second and third book. 

Here are my nails from yesterday. I meant to take a picture of my makeup but I forgot (and it was nice for a change!) I think I'm going to wake Danny and maybe go for a walk down by the pier. Just because its a tiny bit sunny I really want ice cream. Is anyone else like me? Then I have LOADS of college work to do. I should really learn and do my work on Friday instead of the last minute! 


  1. Love this! I really want to go and see The Hunger Games, I've read all 3 books and thought they were really good! Your nails look great and she does look amazing! xx

  2. if you do read the books you should start from the beginning. they're quite quick to read and there are a few details in the first book that aren't in the movie, although the movie is quite true to the books. love the nails! x

  3. I love this design :) I need to read and see The Hunger Games, I'm so behind lol! x

  4. Think I'm going to go and see that tomorrow! Not so much ice cream, but since it got sunny, I've bought a multi-pack (seven!) of Twisters...

    And I've eaten all of them!

  5. Ah I love that look, might have to invest in the Barry M foil effect! I loved the Hunger Games as well, the costumes were amazing, the books are really good, I'd start from the beginning if you read them, well worth reading :) x
