Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Coloured Brows & Hair

I saw this MAC video on youtube last week and I though it was so cool. I have been wanting to dye my hair some kind of pastel colour for about a year now but I haven't built up the courage just yet. I bought a baby pink dye last summer but its still sitting in my room. I might do it one weekend during the easter holidays. 
Even though I've wanted to dye my hair bright colours I never thought about having coloured brows but its a really fun idea. 
I followed the tips and used Barry M "shocking pink" lipstick and a pink shadow from the sleek Acid palette. Its not something for everyday but I think it would be fun for a night out or at a festival or something like that. 

Here's my attempt.. I think the next photo shoot I do in college (if I have free time) will have bright lips and brows. 

What do you think?


  1. ha that's sucha cool idea, I've never thought of that before would be fab for a photoshoot :) xx


  2. love it, its such a bold look. xx

  3. That looks cool! I would never be brave enough to try it out haha. I think you should definitely go for the pastel hair look! I had it for a bit last year and while it was definitely a lot of fun, the upkeep is sooo much effort for lazy old me so I went back to brown haha. Pale pink looks really nice though, go for it gurrrrrllllll!

